Friday, July 13, 2012

Second Assignment: Cheer Jump Exercises

Alright girls it is time to work on your jumps however in order to do so you need to strengthen your body to be able to do so. So start working on these exercises in order to have explosive jumps. Coach C


  1. I have been doing those exercises for a few days and i am already seeing good results! They work VERY well! I can't wait until i keep doing them and get even higher and higher on my jumps!!! :)

  2. These exercises will help me get my jumps higher! :D

  3. I've been working hard to do my exercises better. I even tried some yoga last night. I also went running with my dad this morning. Soon, I will be a great cheerleader! :D WOMENS' BASKETBALL FOR THE OLYMPICS IS ON!!! GO USA!!!!! :D

  4. these exercises help me alot i have been doing them every day and it really helps my jumps doing them right now
